
donotdont   September 3, 2015   Comments Off on Marketplaces

Home > General Documentation > Marketplaces supports multiple marketplaces like Amazon and eBay.
To select a marketplace, click Select Marketplace. It displays a page as shown below.
This page shows multiple tabs – one for each marketplace. Select one to begin.
Marketplaces like Amazon operate in different countries or geographical areas called platforms. You can publish to multiple platforms simultaneously.
The platforms are grouped by regions like America, Europe, Asia and so on.
Once you select a marketplace, a list of available regions is displayed.
You can then select a platform.
Finally, once you click Save, your selection is saved.
You can select each Platform for all the countries you desire to sell in.
Once the record is successfully saved, the web sites selected by you (, now appear in the Menu Bar to the left.
However, if the record has not been saved due to an error, the corresponding error message is displayed. You can investigate the reasons, correct the error and save again.
Similarly, from your same account you can configure your platforms one after another, those to which you want to send your Feeds.
Once the record is saved successfully, the platforms you selected (, will appear in the menu bar on the left:
eBay Marketplace
You can then proceed to configure them.