Differentiate well between an Offer and a Product

Imen Rahal   October 20, 2015   Comments Off on Differentiate well between an Offer and a Product

Home > Amazon Documentation > Differentiate well between an Offer and a Product
It is very important to differentiate well between an Offer and a Product.
Let’s take an example from everyday life – you are in front of a shop window and you see a t-shirt that you like.
You’ve just seen a Product that you like. You enter the shop to find this Product and you’ll find the related Offers – the sizes/colors/Prices available.
In Amazon, the same principles apply. You will find a Product displayed and once you click on this Product, the associated Offers will appear.
Marketplaces typically process Product and Offer data separately. On the one hand the Product sheets and on the other the sellers’ Offers.

  • An Offer is a set of data that contains information related to the marketability of the Product: the reference number, quantity, Price and condition (new or used)
  • A Product is a set of data constituting the Product itself: the description, pictures, features

If a Product is available on Amazon, you can create an Offer, linked to this Product. This is called matching. We assign a seller’s Offers to a Product.
It’s possible that in your Shop, there may be no difference between a Product and an Offer as they may be one and the same. This cannot be the case in marketplaces that have several Offers for one Product (because there are many sellers).