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Home > Amazon Documentation > Configurations > Features
Feed.biz offers a large selection of Features and options to help deal with the Amazon marketplace. Not all of these options are necessarily needed for your personal setup.
For each selected Feature, new interface elements shall appear. Unselected Features will no longer appear. By turning off Features you do not need, you can simplify your management interface.
The Features are grouped as follows:

  1. Catalog Features
  2. Smart Features
  3. Expert Mode


Catalog Features

Catalog Features are related to your Product catalog.
Amazon Features Catalog Features
They are detailed below:

Product Creation

Product creation is optional. It is useful if you want to send Products that do not currently exist on Amazon, ie, Products that have never been published on Amazon before.
If this is not selected, Model and Mapping are disabled. These are essential to creating new Products.
Scheduled tasks related to the creation of new Products will also be disabled.

Price Rules

In Profile, you can define Rules to increase or decrease Prices according to your convenience, and this using a value or a percentage.
You can define several Price ranges and apply the Rule that is more convenient for you.
You may also round up/down the resulting Price by one or two digits, by specifying a rounding Rule.

Import Orders

This defines whether or not you wish to import Orders created in Amazon to Feed.biz.
Checking this box will display the corresponding scheduled tasks in the Scheduled Tasks tab.

Second Hand

Whether you wish to offer refurbished or second hand for sale on Amazon.com, you need the Conditions Mapping Menu to Map the Product Conditions with the Amazon ones.
Not checking this box implicitly indicates that you only sell new Products.

Delete Products

If you check this checkbox, the Delete tab in Actions will be available. Otherwise you won’t be able to delete Products from Amazon.

Smart Features

Amazon Features Smart Features


The repricing is a dynamic pricing tool to align the Price of your Offers with the ones of your competitors. Repricing can also be called automated competitive intelligence or automatic tariff alignment.
Repricing is quite different from Price Rules, as described below:
In Repricing, Prices can be increased OR decreased automatically, unlike in Price Rules.
The Product Prices can be enhanced or decreased by a specified incremental factor.
You will set limits based on your purchase or selling Price, in percentage, beyond and upon which Prices cannot be increased or decreased any more.

Expert Mode

Expert Mode includes Features that require a good knowledge of the Amazon marketplace. It is advisable to activate expert mode only if you have this requisite knowledge.
Amazon Features Expert Mode

Code Exemption

If this box is checked, it indicates that you have received an (EAN/UPC) code exemption. Only enable this option if that is the case.
The module will then allow you to send Feeds without an EAN code. You will set in the Profile the attribute field that Amazon has provided you, it is this field which will make the actual exemption effective.

SKU as MFR Part Number

If you check this box, your SKU will also become your supplier reference. This is required for certain Categories.

Synchronization Field

Generally, synchronization is performed based on the Reference and Code pair, ie based on the SKU and Product code, generally EAN or UPC.
However, in some cases, if your Products do not have EAN/UPC codes and you want the synchronization field to be the SKU and not SKU/Code pair, you can use this option.

Shipping Override

Shipping configuration is generally done on Amazon.
The charges defined in Amazon can be ignored in favor of the ones mentioned in the Shipping Override column.
This substitution will remain in effect until the Shipping Override column is empty (note that if you specify 0, the Shipping charges will be 0).