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Home > General Documentation > My Feeds > Parameters > Categories

The first goal is to include or exclude Categories. Select the Categories you want to export to the marketplaces. Then, for each marketplace, you will also be able to include or exclude Categories.
The second goal concerns the Rules and Profiles. Rules are attached to a Profile and the Profiles are assigned to Categories.
When a Profile is associated to a Category of Products, all Products in this Category are subject to the Rules defined for this Profile. To assign a Profile to Categories, select a Profile for each of the Product Categories.
For example, a Profile with a minimum Price Rule is created to ignore all Products under $10. So by applying the Profile to selected Categories, all Products that have a Price below $10 will be ignored.
You can select multiple Categories at once, by ticking the first Category, clicking on Shift and then clicking the last Category you want. In this way, all Categories between the first and last Category will be selected.
If you click the double down arrow, it will duplicate the Profile to all subsequent selections. This will stop at any subsequent selection that is assigned a different Profile.