Category Archives: Amazon

Multistore frequent questions and problems

donotdont   January 9, 2018   Comments Off on Multistore frequent questions and problems

 You have been redirected to this page most probably because you use the multistore mode of PrestaShop, so you have to be aware of the most general cases, most frequently encountered;   Contexts Using multistore, you commit to have read the corresponding PrestaShop documentation and not to consult us for issues related to contexts; …

Validate your catalog structure

Imen Rahal   October 24, 2016   Comments Off on Validate your catalog structure

 It is important to always apply the same methodology to create articles, apply a reference to them, an EAN code, etc. Therefore, your catalog will be structured for your internal and external needs, so marketplaces in this case. In all cases, the reference field is used as SKU for the marketplace. That means that the Reference field is your …

Eligible products

Imen Rahal   October 22, 2016   Comments Off on Eligible products

 Home > Amazon Documentation > Eligible products   A product eligible for export or synchronization is a product having all the following characteristics: One of the product categories is selected in the the module configuration, “Categories” tab The product has a reference (SKU) The product has a bar code (EAN/UPC) The product is …

Seller is not authorized to list products in this category

donotdont   March 24, 2016   Comments Off on Seller is not authorized to list products in this category

 In the report for the product feed, you get one or messages like this one: Error 802 6: SKU: XXX-YYY – Seller is not authorized to list products in this category . For more You do not have the necessary permissions to publish your offers or products in the category. This problem is to be …

Repricing Parameters

Imen Rahal   November 3, 2015   Comments Off on Repricing Parameters

 Home > Amazon Documentation > Repricing Parameters   To set Repricing Parameters, you have to be registered to Amazon AWS and also obtain API keys. Once you have done this you can do everything from   Registration to Amazon AWS Please go to Amazon AWS: Choose: Create an AWS Account …

API Settings

Imen Rahal   October 30, 2015   Comments Off on API Settings

 Home > Amazon Documentation > API Settings   API settings are required to establish an authenticated connection between and Amazon. Data can be transferred to and from Amazon once a connection has been established.     Setting up the API and obtaining account related details When you access Amazon for the first time, you need …

Differentiate well between an Offer and a Product

Imen Rahal   October 20, 2015   Comments Off on Differentiate well between an Offer and a Product

 Home > Amazon Documentation > Differentiate well between an Offer and a Product   It is very important to differentiate well between an Offer and a Product.   Let’s take an example from everyday life – you are in front of a shop window and you see a t-shirt that you like.   You’ve just …

Scheduled Tasks

Imen Rahal   October 15, 2015   Comments Off on Scheduled Tasks

 Home > Amazon Documentation > Tasks   Scheduled Tasks are automatic tasks carried out by at scheduled times. determines the execution frequency according to different parameters, including the quotas set by the marketplace.     You have the list of scheduled tasks available and the status of each. You can …

Offer Options By Category

donotdont   October 8, 2015   Comments Off on Offer Options By Category

 Home > Amazon Documentation > Offer Options > By Category   You can set Offer options by category so they are applied to all Offers and Products belonging to the selected categories. Thus, the values defined here supersede those from your Shop for all the Products in the targeted category.     Edit a …

Offer Options By Product

donotdont   October 6, 2015   Comments Off on Offer Options By Product

 Home > Amazon Documentation > Offer Options > By Product   You can force to send values different from those present in your Shop (overrides). When the Feed is sent to Amazon, will replace the initial values of the Shop with the values you define here for targeted Offers; those you …