Category Archives: Actions


donotdont   September 4, 2015   Comments Off on Delete

 Home > Amazon Documentation > Actions > Delete   This feature allows you to automatically delete Products from Amazon.   All the Products with a Profile and in the selected Categories can be selected for deletion in this tab.     You can: [icon name=”fa fa-check”] Delete only those Products that are out of Stock …


donotdont   September 4, 2015   Comments Off on Images

 Home > Amazon Documentation > Actions > Images   It is possible to separately transfer Products and their images to Amazon. Therefore, if a Product does not have an image at the time of export, it does not prevent the export. The Product can be exported without the image. When the image is available, …


donotdont   September 4, 2015   Comments Off on Relations

 Home > Amazon Documentation > Actions > Relations   On Amazon, Products have variants such as sub-Products. For example, a T-Shirt in different sizes and colors, are grouped thanks to relations.   Relations are used to help customers easily find, compare and buy different Product variations.   Relations are used to update only the variations defined …


donotdont   September 4, 2015   Comments Off on Orders

 Home > Amazon Documentation > Actions > Orders   This Wizard allows you to manually download Orders received in Amazon to   Note: To use this option, make sure to first enable Import Orders in Amazon > Configuration > Features.   Note: This function is also automatic – refer to Scheduled …


donotdont   September 4, 2015   Comments Off on Products

 Home > Amazon Documentation > Actions > Products   This feature results in the creation of new Products on Amazon when the inventory, Price, taxes or discount data sent from to Amazon does not find a matching Product existing on Amazon and therefore, needs to be created.   Products Wizard     Clicking on the Products …


donotdont   September 4, 2015   Comments Off on Offers

 Home > Amazon Documentation > Actions > Offers provides tools to help you manage your Offers on Amazon. Please make sure you know the difference between an Offer and a Product.     Offers Wizard This wizard allows synchronization of Offers between and Amazon. If the Product itself does not exist …


donotdont   September 4, 2015   Comments Off on Actions

 Home > Amazon Documentation > Actions   Amazon – Actions allows you to run Wizards in 6 areas (1-6 below) and also quickly perform bulk Image and Delete actions.   Offers Products Orders Relations Images Delete