Category Archives: FBA

Validate your catalog structure

Imen Rahal   October 24, 2016   Comments Off on Validate your catalog structure

 It is important to always apply the same methodology to create articles, apply a reference to them, an EAN code, etc. Therefore, your catalog will be structured for your internal and external needs, so marketplaces in this case. In all cases, the reference field is used as SKU for the marketplace. That means that the Reference field is your …

Eligible products

Imen Rahal   October 22, 2016   Comments Off on Eligible products

 Home > Amazon Documentation > Eligible products   A product eligible for export or synchronization is a product having all the following characteristics: One of the product categories is selected in the the module configuration, “Categories” tab The product has a reference (SKU) The product has a bar code (EAN/UPC) The product is …