Category Archives: Amazon

Repricing Product strategies

donotdont   October 5, 2015   Comments Off on Repricing Product strategies

 Home > Amazon Documentation > Repricing > Product strategies   Repricing is a dynamic pricing tool to align the Price of your Offers with those of your competitors. Repricing is also called automated competitive intelligence or automatic tariff alignment. This is used to maintain competitive Prices with your competition.   Strategies …

Repricing – Strategies

donotdont   October 5, 2015   Comments Off on Repricing – Strategies

 Home > Amazon Documentation > Repricing > Strategies   The repricing is a dynamic pricing tool to align the Price of your Offers with those of your competitors, the repricing is also called automated competitive intelligence or automatic tariff alignment. This is to keep competitive Prices in response to competition.   The …

Service Settings

donotdont   October 5, 2015   Comments Off on Service Settings

 Home > Amazon Documentation > Repricing > Service Settings   Repricing is an additional, optional service offered by Amazon.     Subscribe   If you want to make this service available, you need to intimate Amazon and you may subscribe to Repricing Service by clicking on Check/Subscribe Service. If you are already subscribed, you …

Get Access Data to the Amazon Website

donotdont   September 18, 2015   Comments Off on Get Access Data to the Amazon Website

  Note: To be eligible to sell on Amazon Sellers must have at least one of the following: A non-individual selling on Amazon account An Amazon WebStore account A Checkout by Amazon account An Amazon Product Ads account If you are an individual Seller, you have to upgrade to a Pro Merchant Seller account …


donotdont   September 4, 2015   Comments Off on Orders

 Home > Amazon Documentation > Orders   Under Orders, you can import Orders from Amazon and transfer them to your Shop and send the delivery related information from the Shop to Amazon.     Send implies Orders which are ready to be sent but have not been sent. Sent indicates Orders already sent to …


donotdont   September 4, 2015   Comments Off on Logs

 Home > Amazon Documentation > Logs   A Log presents the status of past operations, whether manually or automatically run.   The following image displays the date and time of the latest manual and automatic operations update.     History The following report shows a history of operations. History reports can be generated between …


donotdont   September 4, 2015   Comments Off on Report

 Home > Amazon Documentation > Report   Each time a Feed is sent, Amazon generates and makes available reports that are listed in     For each Feed, you have a report. Each line indicates the number of successes and failures.   This list of reports can also be sorted by column. By clicking …

Error Resolutions

donotdont   September 4, 2015   Comments Off on Error Resolutions

 Home > Amazon Documentation > Error Resolutions   In Amazon, each error has been assigned a number in order to uniquely identify the error message. We can learn a lot about the error from this number.   Each one shows the error code, a description of the error and the number of Products …


donotdont   September 4, 2015   Comments Off on Delete

 Home > Amazon Documentation > Actions > Delete   This feature allows you to automatically delete Products from Amazon.   All the Products with a Profile and in the selected Categories can be selected for deletion in this tab.     You can: [icon name=”fa fa-check”] Delete only those Products that are out of …


donotdont   September 4, 2015   Comments Off on Images

 Home > Amazon Documentation > Actions > Images   It is possible to separately transfer Products and their images to Amazon. Therefore, if a Product does not have an image at the time of export, it does not prevent the export. The Product can be exported without the image. When the image is available, …