Category Archives: Cdiscount

Marketplace self integration, how it works? what is the role of each?

Imen Rahal   May 1, 2018   Comments Off on Marketplace self integration, how it works? what is the role of each?

 You have been redirected to this page so that concepts of context and principle of catalog self-integration on a marketplace are well understood, how we operate, how to have a successful marketplace integration.   Difference between ads services and marketplaces It is often claimed that sending products using ads services is simpler and less burdensome, which is true. …


Imen Rahal   March 11, 2017   Comments Off on Imports

 Home > Cdiscount Documentation > Actions > Imports   Cdiscount uses XML data definition files for Categories, Models and Profiles, these files enable to determine the export format. These files are automatically loaded via the Cdiscount WebService, you normally have to do anything.   To be downloaded, it is necessary that your security …

Validate your catalog structure

Imen Rahal   February 26, 2017   Comments Off on Validate your catalog structure

   It is important to always apply the same methodology to create articles, apply a reference to them, an EAN code, etc. Therefore, your catalog will be structured for your internal and external needs, so marketplaces in this case.   In all cases, the reference field is used as SKU for the marketplace. That means that the Reference field …

Combinations Export

donotdont   February 10, 2017   Comments Off on Combinations Export

 Home > Cdiscount Documentation > Configuration > Models > Combinations Export   For example if you have a product, a T-Shirt, with three versions Blue, White, Red, by default the module will export three individual products on CDiscount, three separate products.   On CDiscount, combinations are called “variants”. Your products have combinations that you want …


donotdont   February 10, 2017   Comments Off on Orders

 Home > Cdiscount Documentation > Orders   Under Orders, you can import Orders from Cdiscount and transfer them to your Shop :   Send implies Orders which are ready to be sent but have not been yet. Sent indicates Orders already sent to Shop.   Import Orders To import Orders, first you need to …


donotdont   February 10, 2017   Comments Off on Logs

 Home > Cdiscount Documentation > Logs   A Log presents the status of past operations, whether manually or automatically run.   The following image displays the date and time of the latest manual and automatic operations update.     History The following report shows a history of operations. History reports can be generated between …


donotdont   February 10, 2017   Comments Off on Report

 Home > Cdiscount Documentation > Report   Each time a Feed is sent, Cdiscount generates and makes available reports that are listed in     For each Feed, you have a report. Each line indicates the number of successes and failures.   This list of reports can also be sorted by column. By clicking …


donotdont   February 10, 2017   Comments Off on Orders

 Home > Cdiscount Documentation > Actions > Orders   This Wizard allows you to manually download Orders received in Cdiscount to   Note: This function is also automatic – refer to Scheduled Tasks for more information.   Accept Orders Acceptance of Orders allows you to confirm Orders from the selected perdiod …


donotdont   February 10, 2017   Comments Off on Products

 Home > Cdiscount Documentation > Actions > Products   This feature results in the creation of new Products on Cdiscount when the inventory, Price, taxes or discount data sent from to Cdiscount do not find a matching Product existing on Cdiscount and therefore, need to be created.   Products Wizard     Clicking on the Products …