Category Archives: Configurations

Validate your catalog structure

Imen Rahal   February 26, 2017   Comments Off on Validate your catalog structure

   It is important to always apply the same methodology to create articles, apply a reference to them, an EAN code, etc. Therefore, your catalog will be structured for your internal and external needs, so marketplaces in this case.   In all cases, the reference field is used as SKU for the marketplace. That means that the Reference field …

Combinations Export

donotdont   February 10, 2017   Comments Off on Combinations Export

 Home > Cdiscount Documentation > Configuration > Models > Combinations Export   For example if you have a product, a T-Shirt, with three versions Blue, White, Red, by default the module will export three individual products on CDiscount, three separate products.   On CDiscount, combinations are called “variants”. Your products have combinations that you want …

Product Conditions

donotdont   February 7, 2017   Comments Off on Product Conditions

 Home > Cdiscount Documentation > Configuration > Product Conditions   Condition refers to the state of the Product (new, used, etc). Cdiscount allows Products of different Conditions to be offered to customers and offers a standard list for this purpose.   The Condition is displayed with a description and other details about the …


donotdont   February 7, 2017   Comments Off on Carriers

 Home > Cdiscount Documentation > Configuration > Carriers   Available Carriers The module displays theĀ Carriers you have selected in your Cdiscount backoffice configuration:   Only this selection appears in your module.     Simplified Configuration Preparation time field is absolutely mandatory. It will determine the delay, in days, you need to prepare and ship …


donotdont   February 7, 2017   Comments Off on Mappings

 Home > Cdiscount Documentation > Configuration > Mappings   Mappings is a feature for establishing a link between two different values with the same meaning.   It is common for a Product to have different values in your Shop and a marketplace even though they are basically identical. For example, a T-shirt could be of size L …


donotdont   February 7, 2017   Comments Off on Categories

 Home > Cdiscount Documentation > Configuration > Categories   You will have already created Profiles that describe the characteristics of your Feed, and in these Profiles, you have associated one or more Models that describe the features of your Products.   In this section, you will associate Profiles with Product Categories:     Expand All …


donotdont   February 7, 2017   Comments Off on Profiles

 Home > Cdiscount Documentation > Configuration > Profiles   Profiles are used to establish the correspondence between your Products as they are in your Prestashop store and as they must be in Cdiscount.     You can also apply global Rules such as changing the selling Price for Cdiscount.   To begin to familiarize yourself with the …


donotdont   February 7, 2017   Comments Off on Models

 Home > Cdiscount Documentation > Configuration > Models   You will use Models to complete for a set of items the necessary data for Cdiscount.   The Models will also be used if you have combinations to be sent as “variants” which is the Product combination format in Cdiscount.   Your Models will establish the relationship …


donotdont   February 7, 2017   Comments Off on Parameters

 Home > Cdiscount Documentation > Configuration > Parameters     Authentication   If you do not have a seller account, create one here :   Connect to your seller account, please go to the section “Manage Your Account” > “Your personal and banking data” accessible after connecting to this link:   …


donotdont   February 7, 2017   Comments Off on Configurations

 Home > Cdiscount Documentation > Configuration   To make configuration simple and understandable, each area of interest has its own tab:   Parameters Models Profiles Category Mapping Carriers Conditions   The flow for configuration is executed like a Wizard, with Save and Save and Continue buttons: If you click Save, the contents will be saved …