Category Archives: Cdiscount


donotdont   February 10, 2017   Comments Off on Offers

 Home > Cdiscount Documentation > Actions > Offers provides tools to help you manage your Offers on Cdiscount. Please make sure you know the difference between an Offer and a Product.     Offers Wizard This wizard allows synchronization of Offers between and Cdiscount. If the Product itself does not exist …


donotdont   February 9, 2017   Comments Off on Actions

 Home > Cdiscount Documentation > Actions   Cdiscount – Actions allows you to run Wizards in 3 areas (1-3 below) and also quickly perform bulk Image and Delete actions.   Offers Products Orders

Scheduled Tasks

donotdont   February 9, 2017   Comments Off on Scheduled Tasks

 Home > Cdiscount Documentation > Tasks   Scheduled Tasks are automatic tasks carried out by at scheduled times. determines the execution frequency according to different parameters, including the quotas set by the marketplace.     You have the list of scheduled tasks available and the status of each. You can …

Offer Options By Category

donotdont   February 8, 2017   Comments Off on Offer Options By Category

 Home > Cdiscount Documentation > Offers Options > By Category   You can set Offer options by category so they are applied to all Offers and Products belonging to the selected Categories. Thus, the values defined here supersede those from your Shop for all the Products in the targeted category.     Edit a …

Offer Options By Product

donotdont   February 8, 2017   Comments Off on Offer Options By Product

 Home > Cdiscount Documentation > Offers Options > By Product   You can force to send values different from those present in your Shop (overrides).   When the Feed is sent to Cdiscount, will replace the initial values of the Shop with the values you define here for targeted Offers; those …

Offers Options

donotdont   February 8, 2017   Comments Off on Offers Options

 Home > Cdiscount Documentation > Offers Options   Offer Options are means provided to the user to override the value sent by his Shop in the Feed, by another one mentioned in Offer Options.   For example, if in the Shop, Shipping Charges are mentioned as $3 and in Offer Options are $4, Offer options will override …

Product Conditions

donotdont   February 7, 2017   Comments Off on Product Conditions

 Home > Cdiscount Documentation > Configuration > Product Conditions   Condition refers to the state of the Product (new, used, etc). Cdiscount allows Products of different Conditions to be offered to customers and offers a standard list for this purpose.   The Condition is displayed with a description and other details about the …


donotdont   February 7, 2017   Comments Off on Carriers

 Home > Cdiscount Documentation > Configuration > Carriers   Available Carriers The module displays theĀ Carriers you have selected in your Cdiscount backoffice configuration:   Only this selection appears in your module.     Simplified Configuration Preparation time field is absolutely mandatory. It will determine the delay, in days, you need to prepare and ship …


donotdont   February 7, 2017   Comments Off on Mappings

 Home > Cdiscount Documentation > Configuration > Mappings   Mappings is a feature for establishing a link between two different values with the same meaning.   It is common for a Product to have different values in your Shop and a marketplace even though they are basically identical. For example, a T-shirt could be of size L …


donotdont   February 7, 2017   Comments Off on Categories

 Home > Cdiscount Documentation > Configuration > Categories   You will have already created Profiles that describe the characteristics of your Feed, and in these Profiles, you have associated one or more Models that describe the features of your Products.   In this section, you will associate Profiles with Product Categories:     Expand All …