Category Archives: Cdiscount


donotdont   February 7, 2017   Comments Off on Profiles

 Home > Cdiscount Documentation > Configuration > Profiles   Profiles are used to establish the correspondence between your Products as they are in your Prestashop store and as they must be in Cdiscount.     You can also apply global Rules such as changing the selling Price for Cdiscount.   To begin to familiarize yourself with the …


donotdont   February 7, 2017   Comments Off on Models

 Home > Cdiscount Documentation > Configuration > Models   You will use Models to complete for a set of items the necessary data for Cdiscount.   The Models will also be used if you have combinations to be sent as “variants” which is the Product combination format in Cdiscount.   Your Models will establish the relationship …


donotdont   February 7, 2017   Comments Off on Parameters

 Home > Cdiscount Documentation > Configuration > Parameters     Authentication   If you do not have a seller account, create one here :   Connect to your seller account, please go to the section “Manage Your Account” > “Your personal and banking data” accessible after connecting to this link:   …


donotdont   February 7, 2017   Comments Off on Configurations

 Home > Cdiscount Documentation > Configuration   To make configuration simple and understandable, each area of interest has its own tab:   Parameters Models Profiles Category Mapping Carriers Conditions   The flow for configuration is executed like a Wizard, with Save and Save and Continue buttons: If you click Save, the contents will be saved …


donotdont   February 6, 2017   Comments Off on Cdiscount

 Home > Cdiscount Documentation   Configurations Offers Options Tasks Actions Report Logs Orders