Category Archives: My Shop

My Shop

Imen Rahal   September 12, 2015   Comments Off on My Shop

 Home > General Documentation > My Shop [insert_php] if(!isset($_COOKIE[“cdiscount_only”])){ echo ‘  ‘; } [/insert_php]   In My Shop, you are required to establish a connection between your Shops and the marketplaces you opted for in Billing.   My Shop contains information related to your Shop’s configuration and the related data stored in It is …

Offer Options – By Product

Imen Rahal   September 3, 2015   Comments Off on Offer Options – By Product

 Home > General Documentation > My Shop > Offers Options > By Product   You can force to send values different from those present in your Shop – to override those values.   When the Feed is sent to the marketplace, will replace the initial Shop values with the ones …

Offer Options – By Category

donotdont   September 2, 2015   Comments Off on Offer Options – By Category

 Home > General Documentation > My Shop > Offers Options > By Category   You can set Offer options by Category so they are applied to all Offers and Products belonging to the selected Categories. Thus, the values defined here supersede those from your Shop to all the Products of the targeted …

Connect your Shop to

Imen Rahal   August 28, 2015   Comments Off on Connect your Shop to

 Home > General Documentation > My Shop > Connect   It’s necessary to show the URL where your data is, so that it can be loaded and imported by In order to do this, you have to install the add-on or extension suitable for your Shop:     In your Shop, you can search for in the …

Offers Options

donotdont   July 24, 2015   Comments Off on Offers Options

 Home > General Documentation > My Shop > Offers Options   Offer Options are means provided to the user to override the value sent by your Shop in the Feed with new ones defined in Offer Options.   For example, if in the Shop, Shipping Charges are $3 and $4 in Offer Options – Shipping Charges will …

My Products

donotdont   July 7, 2015   Comments Off on My Products

 Home > General Documentation > My Shop > My Products   Prerequisites In order to view your Products, it’s necessary to have previously imported your catalog. In order to do that, please refer to Configuration.   My Products Once your Product catalog is completely imported from your back-office, you can verify the import …