Category Archives: Feed.Biz


donotdont   July 29, 2015   Comments Off on eBay

 Home > eBay Documentation   Configuration Offer Options Tasks Actions Order Import Log Reports


donotdont   July 29, 2015   Comments Off on General

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Offers Options

donotdont   July 24, 2015   Comments Off on Offers Options

 Home > General Documentation > My Shop > Offers Options   Offer Options are means provided to the user to override the value sent by your Shop in the Feed with new ones defined in Offer Options.   For example, if in the Shop, Shipping Charges are $3 and $4 in Offer Options – Shipping Charges will …


donotdont   July 9, 2015   Comments Off on Messages

 Home > General Documentation > My Feeds > Messages   This report gives error details, Product details, the batch number in which it was imported and the date and time of run.   If there are any errors encountered during the import, those associated Products will be bypassed. Such Products can be found in these …


donotdont   July 9, 2015   Comments Off on Batches

 Home > General Documentation > My Feeds > Log > Batches   This report provides a log about each batch imported from your Shop to All imports – automatic or manual – are reflected in this report.     This report gives a summary of all the batches of imports run …


donotdont   July 9, 2015   Comments Off on Log

 Home > General Documentation > My Feeds > Log   The Log section gives a list of reports generated during data import from your Shop to All imports – whether automatic OR manual, are included in the reports.   The reports are available for batches imported, error messages received during import and import history, …


donotdont   July 8, 2015   Comments Off on Profiles

 Home > General Documentation > My Feeds > Parameters > Profiles   To implement Rules, you have to define a Profile and add a Rule to that Profile.   If you wish, you may declare this Profile as a default Profile by selecting the checkbox as shown below:   Define a Profile Give your Profile …


donotdont   July 8, 2015   Comments Off on Categories

 Home > General Documentation > My Feeds > Parameters > Categories   The first goal is to include or exclude Categories. Select the Categories you want to export to the marketplaces. Then, for each marketplace, you will also be able to include or exclude Categories.   The second goal concerns the Rules and Profiles. …

My Products

donotdont   July 7, 2015   Comments Off on My Products

 Home > General Documentation > My Shop > My Products   Prerequisites In order to view your Products, it’s necessary to have previously imported your catalog. In order to do that, please refer to Configuration.   My Products Once your Product catalog is completely imported from your back-office, you can verify the import …