Offer Options By Category

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Home > Cdiscount Documentation > Offers Options > By Category
You can set Offer options by category so they are applied to all Offers and Products belonging to the selected Categories. Thus, the values defined here supersede those from your Shop for all the Products in the targeted category.


Edit a Category

Using Edit, you can manually edit the attributes assigned to a Category.
Please note that you can edit only the child Categories.

The editable fields are:

No Field Description
1) Disabled This Offer will not be sent to Cdiscount
2) Force in Stock Force and replace the value in Stock
3) Override Shipping Charges This value will replace the Shipping charges defined in your Shop
4) Shipping Delay Time required to Ship the package; The time between the validation of the Order and the Shipment.
5) Extra Text Additional text that will appear on your Cdiscount Offer

You can manually edit the fields defined for the Category.

Reset the Category

Once you click Reset, you will be asked to confirm.

You may abort the reset by clicking on Cancel or confirm the reset by clicking on OK button. The fields are blanked out once you confirm reset.