Offer Options – By Product

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Home > eBay Documentation > Offers Options > By Product
You can force to send values different from those present in your Shop, overriding those values.
When the Feed is sent to eBay, will replace Shop values for targeted Offers; those you have selected and configured.
eBay Offer Options Product

Edit an Offer

You can edit Product information by selecting one and clicking Edit.
eBay Offer Options Product Edit
If the Product has combinations/variants, will allow you select each one, selectively and/or globally.
The editable fields are as below:

No Field Description
1) Price override The Price indicated here will override the Price specified in the Shop
2) Disabled This Offer will never be sent to eBay
3) Force in Stock Force and replace the value in Stock

Clicking on the Reset button clears all fields.

Import Offer Options

When you click Import Offer Options, the following screen is displayed to enable you to upload a file containing all the options in a file. You can click Download Template for a template to base your file on.
Import Offer Options

Download Offers Options

Click Download Offers Options button to download a file with the current Offer options values.
Once you’ve finished filling in the values or uploading them using a file, click Submit to update the values.