Tasks  Actions – Products

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Home > eBay Documentation > Task Actions > Products
In Product Actions, you can Export Products and Delete Products.

Export Products

During the process so far, we have :

  • Established and authorized communication between Feed.biz and eBay
  • Selected the regions and platforms we wish to use on eBay
  • Set up payment terms, returns, Shipping policy and tax parameters
  • Mapped Product Categories, attributes like sizes and color
  • Mapped Product Conditions with eBay

Now that Products are fully recognized in the same form on eBay also and we are ready to upload your Products to eBay.
All your Products will be exported to eBay as per the filters defined by you – if any.
If there are no filters, all the Products will be exported.
If you have set up Rules to DROP any product from getting exported, they will be ignored during export.
If you have selected specific Products for export, only those Products will be exported.
The export is carried out in five stages as follows:

  1. The file with information on Products to be exported is compressed
  2. The compressed file is converted to XML
  3. The XML file is exported to eBay
  4. The XML file is downloaded and the eBay database is updated using the information in this file
  5. Simultaneously, log reports are generated
  6. Log Reports show the status of the export including the errors encountered during export.

The status of the export process is displayed as follows:
If there are any errors, they can be investigated using Reports – Batch Log and Batch Log Details.
To initiate the export process, click Export Products.
The export process is now initiated
When completed, a message is displayed conveying that the export has been successfully carried out.
Repetition will not create any duplicate Products but will simply copy all the Products being exported into eBay.
To avoid any errors, if you make changes in your Shop then you need to make sure to export Products first to Feed.biz and then, from Feed.biz to eBay.
Once your Products are successfully updated on eBay, a notification will come to you through the e-mail account registered with eBay, for each Product.

Delete Products

With this facility, you can delete Products from eBay.
This feature can be used to delete:

  1. Only those Products which do not have Stock on eBay
  2. Delete ALL the Products irrespective of Stock

Products are deleted depending on the configuration and Mapping of your specified Product Categories.
Products will be deleted under those selected Categories.
Deleted Products will be transferred to your “Unsold” Account.