Mapping Carriers

Imen Rahal   September 8, 2015   Comments Off on Mapping Carriers

Home > eBay Documentation > Configuration > Mapping > Mapping Carriers
In this section, you can Map your carriers with those in eBay.
Mapping Carriers
eBay Carriers
In eBay Carriers, you can select your preferred carrier from your Shop by Mapping with carriers available on eBay.
Shop Carriers Mapping
Under Shop Carriers Mapping, you are required to select a carrier out of those available on eBay.

Postal Code

This is the postal code for where this Product is stocked and from where it has to be distributed by the carriers.

Dispatch Time

Specifies a lead time to dispatch the Product – that is, how much time in number of days at maximum the seller requires to prepare the Product and make it ready to be dispatched.
Dispatch Time
Mapping Carriers 2

Mapping Default Carrier

When no carrier is chosen, this one will be taken into account.

Domestic Shipping Mapping

These are carriers within the same country. You can Map the carriers you have defined in with the carriers available with eBay.

International Shipping Mapping

Similarly you can map international carriers for each country separately, with the carriers defined in eBay.
Select any one of your desired carriers and Map this carrier with the carrier matching with eBay.
Do this for each country you are to operate in.