Mapping Templates

Imen Rahal   September 9, 2015   Comments Off on Mapping Templates

Home > eBay Documentation > Configuration > Mapping > Mapping Templates

To make your Product sheets attractive for customers, eBay allows you to publish your sheets to HTML format, for that gives you access to a tool allowing you to send one or more templates; Marketplace > eBay > Configuration > Templates.

You will associate Categories with templates. For each Category, you can associate a Template;
Mapping Templates
Expand All will display all Categories with the corresponding hierarchy
Collapse all – will hide them all Categories within the corresponding hierarchy
If you want to select all the Categories, select Check All. Select Uncheck all to deselect all categories.
On the left, select the Categories you want to export. On the right, the templates you want to associate with them.
Click the double down arrow and the Template will be replicated until the next deselected Category.
You can also use the Shift key to select multiple Categories at once. Click a check box, hold down the Shift key, click the last Category and the intermediate Categories are automatically checked.