Differentiate well between an Offer and a Product

Imen Rahal   October 20, 2015   Comments Off on Differentiate well between an Offer and a Product

 Home > Amazon Documentation > Differentiate well between an Offer and a Product   It is very important to differentiate well between an Offer and a Product.   Let’s take an example from everyday life – you are in front of a shop window and you see a t-shirt that you like.   You’ve just …

Scheduled Tasks

Imen Rahal   October 15, 2015   Comments Off on Scheduled Tasks

 Home > Amazon Documentation > Tasks   Scheduled Tasks are automatic tasks carried out by Feed.biz at scheduled times. Feed.biz determines the execution frequency according to different parameters, including the quotas set by the marketplace.     You have the list of scheduled tasks available and the status of each. You can …

Offer Options By Category

donotdont   October 8, 2015   Comments Off on Offer Options By Category

 Home > Amazon Documentation > Offer Options > By Category   You can set Offer options by category so they are applied to all Offers and Products belonging to the selected categories. Thus, the values defined here supersede those from your Shop for all the Products in the targeted category.     Edit a …

Offer Options By Product

donotdont   October 6, 2015   Comments Off on Offer Options By Product

 Home > Amazon Documentation > Offer Options > By Product   You can force Feed.biz to send values different from those present in your Shop (overrides). When the Feed is sent to Amazon, Feed.biz will replace the initial values of the Shop with the values you define here for targeted Offers; those you …

Repricing Product strategies

donotdont   October 5, 2015   Comments Off on Repricing Product strategies

 Home > Amazon Documentation > Repricing > Product strategies   Repricing is a dynamic pricing tool to align the Price of your Offers with those of your competitors. Repricing is also called automated competitive intelligence or automatic tariff alignment. This is used to maintain competitive Prices with your competition.   Strategies …

Repricing – Strategies

donotdont   October 5, 2015   Comments Off on Repricing – Strategies

 Home > Amazon Documentation > Repricing > Strategies   The repricing is a dynamic pricing tool to align the Price of your Offers with those of your competitors, the repricing is also called automated competitive intelligence or automatic tariff alignment. This is to keep competitive Prices in response to competition.   The …

Service Settings

donotdont   October 5, 2015   Comments Off on Service Settings

 Home > Amazon Documentation > Repricing > Service Settings   Repricing is an additional, optional service offered by Amazon.     Subscribe   If you want to make this service available, you need to intimate Amazon and you may subscribe to Repricing Service by clicking on Check/Subscribe Service. If you are already subscribed, you …

Get Access Data to the Amazon Website

donotdont   September 18, 2015   Comments Off on Get Access Data to the Amazon Website

  Note: To be eligible to sell on Amazon Sellers must have at least one of the following: A non-individual selling on Amazon account An Amazon WebStore account A Checkout by Amazon account An Amazon Product Ads account If you are an individual Seller, you have to upgrade to a Pro Merchant Seller account …

My Shop

Imen Rahal   September 12, 2015   Comments Off on My Shop

 Home > General Documentation > My Shop [insert_php] if(!isset($_COOKIE[“cdiscount_only”])){ echo ‘  ‘; } [/insert_php]   In My Shop, you are required to establish a connection between your Shops and the marketplaces you opted for in Billing.   My Shop contains information related to your Shop’s configuration and the related data stored in Feed.biz. It is …


Imen Rahal   September 9, 2015   Comments Off on Mapping

 Home > Ebay Documentation > Configuration > Mapping   Mapping allow to match values from Feed.biz with the ones in eBay:   Mapping – Carriers Mapping Carriers – Rules Mapping – Templates Mapping – Universe Mapping – Categories Mapping – Conditions Mapping – Variations Mapping – Variation Rules