Setting rules for import

Suniti Dev   September 4, 2015   Comments Off on Setting rules for import

Home > General Documentation > My Feeds > Parameters > Rules

Products from suppliers & manufacturers could be bypassed using filters. Similarly you can also define Rules by which you can filter products that meet the filtering criteria.

Using Rules, you can:

  1. Drop (or ignore) Products meeting a given criteria
  2. Set lower and upper Price limits for Product selection
  3. Bypass Products falling in a given range defined by lower and upper Price limits

Rules are attached to a Profile.

When a Profile is assigned to a Product Category, all the Products under that Category are subject to the Rules defined for this Profile.

You can apply the Rules for:

  • A specific supplier – ALL manufacturers
  • A specific manufacturer – ALL suppliers
  • All suppliers All manufacturers, whatever supplier – manufacturer


How to set up Rules

  • Click Add a Rule – to define a new Rule – give a name to the Rule

Click Add set to define the criteria for the Rule.

  • Define the criteria:
    • a specific manufacturer and / or
    • a specific supplier and / or
    • a Price range
  • Define the action desired – leave it blank OR select Drop

You can remove the Rule at any time – upon removal, it will come into effect on the next export from Shop to the marketplace.

You can refer to examples for more information.