Tag Archives: Actions


donotdont   February 10, 2017   Comments Off on Orders

 Home > Cdiscount Documentation > Actions > Orders   This Wizard allows you to manually download Orders received in Cdiscount to Feed.biz.   Note: This function is also automatic – refer to Scheduled Tasks for more information.   Accept Orders Acceptance of Orders allows you to confirm Orders from the selected perdiod …


donotdont   February 10, 2017   Comments Off on Products

 Home > Cdiscount Documentation > Actions > Products   This feature results in the creation of new Products on Cdiscount when the inventory, Price, taxes or discount data sent from Feed.biz to Cdiscount do not find a matching Product existing on Cdiscount and therefore, need to be created.   Products Wizard     Clicking on the Products …


donotdont   February 10, 2017   Comments Off on Offers

 Home > Cdiscount Documentation > Actions > Offers   Feed.biz provides tools to help you manage your Offers on Cdiscount. Please make sure you know the difference between an Offer and a Product.     Offers Wizard This wizard allows synchronization of Offers between Feed.biz and Cdiscount. If the Product itself does not exist …


donotdont   September 4, 2015   Comments Off on Products

 Home > Amazon Documentation > Actions > Products   This feature results in the creation of new Products on Amazon when the inventory, Price, taxes or discount data sent from Feed.biz to Amazon does not find a matching Product existing on Amazon and therefore, needs to be created.   Products Wizard     Clicking on the Products …

TasksĀ  Actions – Products

donotdont   September 3, 2015   Comments Off on TasksĀ  Actions – Products

 Home > eBay Documentation > Task Actions > Products   In Product Actions, you can Export Products and Delete Products.     Export Products During the process so far, we have :   Established and authorized communication between Feed.biz and eBay Selected the regions and platforms we wish to use on eBay Set up payment terms, returns, Shipping …