Tag Archives: Carriers

Mapping Carriers

Imen Rahal   September 8, 2015   Comments Off on Mapping Carriers

 Home > eBay Documentation > Configuration > Mapping > Mapping Carriers   In this section, you can Map your carriers with those in eBay.     eBay Carriers In eBay Carriers, you can select your preferred carrier from your Shop by Mapping with carriers available on eBay.   Shop Carriers Mapping Under Shop Carriers …


Imen Rahal   September 4, 2015   Comments Off on Carriers

 Home > General Documentation > My Feeds > Parameters > Carriers   In your Shop In general, Shops offer the ability to add, edit, delete, select and search for Carriers. Feed.biz collects the list of Carriers from your Shop.   In Feed.biz According to your Shop configuration, Feed.biz lists the available and imported Carriers to allow …