Tag Archives: Product

Offer Options By Product

donotdont   February 8, 2017   Comments Off on Offer Options By Product

 Home > Cdiscount Documentation > Offers Options > By Product   You can force Feed.biz to send values different from those present in your Shop (overrides).   When the Feed is sent to Cdiscount, Feed.biz will replace the initial values of the Shop with the values you define here for targeted Offers; those …

Product Conditions

donotdont   February 7, 2017   Comments Off on Product Conditions

 Home > Cdiscount Documentation > Configuration > Product Conditions   Condition refers to the state of the Product (new, used, etc). Cdiscount allows Products of different Conditions to be offered to customers and offers a standard list for this purpose.   The Condition is displayed with a description and other details about the …

Differentiate well between an Offer and a Product

Imen Rahal   October 20, 2015   Comments Off on Differentiate well between an Offer and a Product

 Home > Amazon Documentation > Differentiate well between an Offer and a Product   It is very important to differentiate well between an Offer and a Product.   Let’s take an example from everyday life – you are in front of a shop window and you see a t-shirt that you like.   You’ve just …

Offer Options By Product

donotdont   October 6, 2015   Comments Off on Offer Options By Product

 Home > Amazon Documentation > Offer Options > By Product   You can force Feed.biz to send values different from those present in your Shop (overrides). When the Feed is sent to Amazon, Feed.biz will replace the initial values of the Shop with the values you define here for targeted Offers; those you …

Offer Options – By Product

Imen Rahal   September 3, 2015   Comments Off on Offer Options – By Product

 Home > General Documentation > My Shop > Offers Options > By Product   You can force Feed.biz to send values different from those present in your Shop – to override those values.   When the Feed is sent to the marketplace, Feed.biz will replace the initial Shop values with the ones …

Tasks  Actions – Products

donotdont   September 3, 2015   Comments Off on Tasks  Actions – Products

 Home > eBay Documentation > Task Actions > Products   In Product Actions, you can Export Products and Delete Products.     Export Products During the process so far, we have :   Established and authorized communication between Feed.biz and eBay Selected the regions and platforms we wish to use on eBay Set up payment terms, returns, Shipping …

Offer Options – By Product

donotdont   September 3, 2015   Comments Off on Offer Options – By Product

 Home > eBay Documentation > Offers Options > By Product   You can force Feed.biz to send values different from those present in your Shop, overriding those values.   When the Feed is sent to eBay, Feed.biz will replace Shop values for targeted Offers; those you have selected and configured.     Edit an …

Offers Options

donotdont   September 3, 2015   Comments Off on Offers Options

 Home > eBay Documentation > Offers Options   Offer Options allow the user to override the value sent by their Shop in the feed, by another one specified in Offer Options.   For example, if in the Shop, Shipping Charges are $3 and $4 in Offer Options – the new value will be $4.   Therefore, …

Offer Options – By Category

donotdont   September 2, 2015   Comments Off on Offer Options – By Category

 Home > General Documentation > My Shop > Offers Options > By Category   You can set Offer options by Category so they are applied to all Offers and Products belonging to the selected Categories. Thus, the values defined here supersede those from your Shop to all the Products of the targeted …