Tag Archives: Rules

Mapping Carrier Rules

Imen Rahal   September 9, 2015   Comments Off on Mapping Carrier Rules

 Home > eBay Documentation > Configuration > Mapping > Carrier Rules   Shipping Rules Carriers can charge based upon the weight of an item or on the Price or on the number of pieces, depending upon the Product being shipped. This can be specified here:     Set Shipment Item Rules You …

Rules – Examples

Imen Rahal   September 4, 2015   Comments Off on Rules – Examples

 Home > General Documentation > My Feeds > Parameters > Rules   Prerequisites Please refer to Rules for more information.     Rule example 1 Let’s say you want to ignore Products that are priced less than $10 and which are from a specific Manufacturer – Supplier combination.   We can define a Rule …

Setting rules for import

Suniti Dev   September 4, 2015   Comments Off on Setting rules for import

 Home > General Documentation > My Feeds > Parameters > Rules   Products from suppliers & manufacturers could be bypassed using filters. Similarly you can also define Rules by which you can filter products that meet the filtering criteria.   Using Rules, you can: Drop (or ignore) Products meeting a given criteria Set …

Price Rules

donotdont   September 3, 2015   Comments Off on Price Rules

 Home > eBay Documentation > Configuration > Price Rules   A Price Rule allows you to increase the Price of a Product compared to the Price on Feed.biz. The Price is modified if it falls between a specified Price range. The Price is modified by a percentage or by a set amount, over …